Sold By: Main One Tech
Wine and Spirits , Bookshop, Bakery Shop,Spare Shops,Paint Shops, Cereals shops, Hardware Shops, Wholesale Shops, Supermarkets , Mini Marts, Retail Shops, Agrovets, Chemists, Water Vending Stations, Cosmetic and Beauty shops, Electronics shops, Electrical shops, ETC Complete Point Etc Complete Point of Sale Sytem Kit Package
Categories: Electronics & Appliance, Point of Sale (POS) System
Main-One POS/Point of Sale System helps all business owner to easily track and manage their daily sales, inventory/stock, reports, purchases, profits/loss and expenses. The Main-One POS Software system also alerts you wenever you products are low or about to expire.Retailers who use Main-One POS/Point of Sale System succeed in this retail fast-moving environment as they keep total visibility of their supply chain, continue to improve customer service, and maintain efficient transaction processing and cash handling.