Sold By: Main One Tech
Wine and Spirits , Bookshop, Bakery Shop,Spare Shops,Paint Shops, Cereals shops, Hardware Shops, Wholesale Shops, Supermarkets , Mini Marts, Retail Shops, Agrovets, Chemists, Water Vending Stations, Cosmetic and Beauty shops, Electronics shops, Electrical shops, ETC Complete Point Etc Complete Point of Sale Sytem Kit Package
Categories: Electronics & Appliance, Point of Sale (POS) System
Inventory management
Never run out of stock
Track stock levels in real time
Receive automatic low stock Notifications
Send orders to suppliers and track stock receipts
Transfer stock between your stores
Print barcode labels
Sales analytics
Access your reports from a smartphone, tablet or computer anytime, anywhere via Team Viewer Application
View revenue, average sale
View daily Profit and Loss
Track sales trends and react to changes promptly
Determine best-selling items and categories
View complete sales history
Employee management
Easily manage your staff and make balanced decisions
Track sales by employee and determine best performers
Employees clock in and out and their total work hours are calculated automatically
Grant different levels of access to protect sensitive information
Multi-store management
Grow your business from one to hundreds of stores
Compare performance of your stores
Manage items, employees and customers across multiple locatio